Heart Sense - def: Insightful perception & considered discernment regarding daily life developed through the wisdom of, and benevolent qualities associated with, the heart.

Bursary Fund
This fund has been made available by the kind support of generous benefactors to support anyone unable to access the Heart Sense Research Institute's (HSRI) courses due to financial hardship; making the important work of the HSRI accessible to as many people as possible, enabling applicants to practice the Heart Sense approach in the world.
It is important to the benefactors of the bursary fund that as many people as possible can benefit from bursary funding.
Bursary applicants are therefore required to fill out a short application form, detailing what percentage of financial assistance would be required. This will then be assessed in relation to other applications received, funds remaining, etc. You are strongly encouraged to apply, as we want to support as many people as possible
If the total yearly funds have been allocated, applicants are encouraged to apply the following academic year (beginning September).
Applications will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Commitment required of all bursary applicants:
To attend every class session (before applying, applicants are asked to check talk/event/course dates and ensure that they are free to attend each session)
To provide a short report/testimonial based on the experience of being a bursary-funded participant.
To download the application form, please click on the image:
Please note that funding is available to applicants across the entire range of the HSRI’s courses
(NB: funding is not available for external events run by third parties)